Catalyzer of High-Integrity Project Development

Discover more about our work on high integrity project development dedicated to driving the development of high-integrity projects in the carbon market landscape. We prioritize integrity, transparency, and sustainability in every project we catalyze.


The Africa Carbon Hub is a first point of reference for anyone trying to access information on carbon markets (including early-stage developers, and policymakers) and serves as a central node in the African carbon market ecosystem for knowledge sharing and accessing expert information. ACMI developed the Africa Carbon Hub as a one-stop shop for early-stage, first-time developers. The Hub comprises valuable resources, insights, and connections. The pages feature articles, guides, and case studies to keep you informed about the latest developments and best practices. Join our community to connect with experts, share ideas, and collaborate on projects. The Hub currently comprises of two modules on ‘Introduction to Carbon Finance’ and ‘Introduction to Carbon Markets in Africa)’, that have been produced in collaboration with FSD Africa. The pages feature articles, valuable resources, insights and case studies to keep you informed about the latest developments and best practices.  As the Hub evolves, it will cover additional aspects such as providing support to accelerators to strengthen their own offering to developers. In addition, it is expected to serve as a platform for providing targeted transaction advisory and project development support that would work with strategic sector or geography pioneering transactions.


  • Introduction to Carbon Markets 
  • Climate Finance 
  • Many more web pages and interactive tools 


Visit the Carbon Hub to explore resources and tools for advancing carbon reduction efforts.


ACMI has developed a methodology that enables the displacement of fossil fuel generator sets with renewable energy sources, such as solar PV systems, in a way that the transition can be verified for carbon credit issuance. This methodology allows companies and project developers to monetize the carbon emission reductions achieved through the shift to renewable energy, thereby providing an additional financial incentive for sustainable energy transitions. The methodology is currently under development and will meet the standards and process robustness needed to be adopted for issuing/trading carbon credits and has been approved by standard setting organizations


The proposed Training Program offers a 6-month foundational course that delves into the theoretical essentials of carbon offset validation and verification. Following this, participants embark on a 9-month apprenticeship, acquiring practical experience guided by seasoned professionals. After completing the apprenticeship, they receive personalized assistance to secure roles within Africa-focused VVBs, like TUV-Nord, fostering a localized strategy to cultivate their skills as adept lead assessors in the ever-evolving carbon auditing sector. The training program aims to equip individuals with a comprehensive set of skills and attributes to effectively contribute to and influence the African carbon market.


  • Fundamentals of Climate Science and Market Mechanisms
  • GHG Protocol and Standards Overview
  • Quantification and Reporting Methods
  • Sector-Specific GHG Accounting
  • Audit Planning and Preparation
  • Regulatory Compliance and Documentation
  • Advanced Topics and Emerging Technologies


Register for upcoming training sessions to enhance your auditing skills and ensure compliance with international standards.


Our goal is to scale the average size of project developers and equip them with the necessary skills and resources to supply the growing demand for high-integrity carbon projects. This is being conducted in collaboration with Sciences Po and Africa Euope Foundation. It covers topics such as (To be added)


Register for upcoming training sessions to enhance your expertise in developing impactful carbon reduction projects.