Carbon Hub

Introduction to Carbon Hub

The Africa Carbon Hub is a first point of reference for anyone trying to access information on carbon markets (including early-stage developers, and policymakers) and serves as a central node in the African carbon ecosystem for knowledge sharing and accessing expert information. The Hub currently comprises of two modules on ‘Introduction to Carbon Finance’ and ‘Introduction to Carbon Markets in Africa’ that have been produced in collaboration with FSD Africa. The pages feature articles, valuable resources, insights and case studies to keep you informed about the latest developments and best practices. As the Hub evolves, it will cover additional aspects such as providing support to accelerators to strengthen their own offering to developers. In addition, it is expected to serve as a platform for providing targeted transaction advisory and project development support that would work with strategic sector or geography pioneering transactions. Join our community to connect with experts, share ideas, and collaborate on projects.

Supporting Partners

FSD Africa

Africa Carbon Markets Initiave